
Pellet Hormone Therapy

Medical Spa, Aesthetics & Wellness Center & Medical Spa located in Folsom, CA

Pellet Hormone TIherapy

About Pellet Hormone Therapy

Hormones naturally fluctuate, but the impact of an imbalance is inescapable. To relieve troublesome symptoms and help you feel like yourself again, the team at The MD Aesthetics in Folsom, California, offers pellet hormone therapy. This discreet and convenient treatment improves your quality of life without disrupting your daily routine. You can learn more and schedule your visit by calling the MD Aesthetics office or requesting an appointment online at any time.

Pellet Hormone Therapy Q&A

What is hormone therapy, and why are pellets a preferred delivery option?

Hormone therapy addresses an issue that most people face at some point in their lives: imbalanced or insufficient hormones. Once the team restores your body’s hormonal equilibrium, the common signs of imbalance disappear.

Pellets are a good option to deliver hormones because they slowly and reliably deliver small doses to your system. You don’t have to worry about frequent injections, messy creams, or daily patches.

What symptoms does pellet hormone therapy address?

Your body uses hormones to function properly, so if they’re not keeping up with your body’s needs, you’ll notice significant symptoms. These can include:

  • Headaches
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Mood changes
  • Lingering fatigue
  • Struggling to remember or think clearly

Women may also experience other issues, such as:

  • Night sweats
  • Dry skin
  • Painful sex
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness

For anyone going through early menopause or experiencing unexplained hormone fluctuations, pursuing hormone therapy can protect the bones and the cardiovascular system. If you smoke or have a history of blood clots, the team can suggest other forms of treatment.

What can I expect during my pellet hormone therapy appointment?

The team at The MD Aesthetics starts with a comprehensive consultation and lab work to determine whether you’re a candidate for pellet hormone therapy. If so, they’ll schedule your appointment for pellet insertion. The MD Aesthetics uses the Pellecome Re3® device to keep you safe and comfortable and ensure perfect placement. 

After cleansing and numbing the skin of the hip or upper buttock, your practitioner makes a small incision and uses a device to gently implant the pellet. The process is quick, taking only about 15 minutes, and the Pellecome system provides reliable results. 

How quickly will I experience the benefits of pellet hormone therapy?

While your body may take some time to adjust, you should notice positive changes within 4-6 weeks, including boosted mood and energy, better skin tone, and more restful sleep. The team schedules your appointment to receive your next dose after a few months.

The MD Aesthetics team prioritizes two-way communication, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and let your provider know how you respond to therapy. They will check your hormone levels at intervals and adjust your treatment plan to give you the best results.

To find out if you’re eligible for pellet hormone therapy, call the office or book your consultation online today.