
Hydrafacial MD, The premium treatment in Folsom for skin!

Sep 11, 2024
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Skincare has gained popularity as more people seek to maintain youthful, radiant skin. Non-invasive treatments like HydraFacial, offered at medical spas like The MD Aesthetics in Folsom, are in high demand for their ability to reduce signs of aging.

In recent years, there has been an increase in men and women looking for ways to preserve their skin’s radiant and youthful radiance. This is why it is not surprising that skincare has taken a leap forward, especially in medical spas or aesthetic medicine centers, such as The MD Aesthetics in Folsom, And who can blame them? Looking good can make you feel good.

In addition to good skin care, people are also starting to search and invest in effective, affordable, non-invasive skin procedures to help eliminate fine lines and wrinkles while reducing the apparent signs of skin aging.

One of the most popular skin treatments to fight skin aging is HydraFacial. In a recent survey, over 2 million HydraFacial treatments were administered worldwide last year alone. This means that a HydraFacial is performed every 15 seconds worldwide. So why is this facial treatment so popular?


What is a HydraFacial treatment?

This treatment is a painless, non-invasive, medical-grade procedure that cleanses the pores and moisturizes the skin. It works well with all skin types and promises to have no downtime.

It is better to tackle all skin problems such as wrinkles, facial redness, dilated pores, irregular complexion, and brown spots.

HydraFacial involves a four-step process that ensures that your skin is plumped, radiant and young.

The first step is to remove all excess sebum and dead skin cells. Secondly, a mixture of glycolic acid and salicylic acid is applied to the skin to evacuate the toxins which have blocked your pores. Then, a painless hydrofoil handpiece is used to suck impurities, dirt, and oil.

At the same time, serums, like those signed by the famous Obagi brand, are applied to nourish, moisturize and make your skin plump and radiant with beauty.


How to choose an excellent HydraFacial professional in Folsom?

Now that you know what HydraFacial is and its benefits, you may wonder where to do it! Before you start searching on Google for the nearest HydraFacial address, here are some tips to consider:

Experienced staff

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a medical center that offers HydraFacials MD is the experience and professionalism of the staff who will take care of your HydraFacial.

They must undergo specific training to ensure that the services are practiced safely and effectively. In addition, they must have substantial experience in realizing HydraFacials and in all types of skin treatments.

This is important because a well-trained and experienced aesthetic specialist will know which skin treatment is best for a customer. Our MDA physician or RN will guide you to the right treatments for your skin.

Your skin care is essential, and you want to obtain skin care services provided by a professional team who is pleasant and has the professionalism expected from an experienced, well-established, and renowned institution.


Location and installation

If you are looking for HydraFacial MD services in Folsom or greater sac, it is better to always consider the location of the Center for Aesthetic Medicine.

You want to choose a place that is not only practical but also easily accessible. In addition, evaluate the installation on your first visit. Is the establishment clean, caring, and professional? Does skin care require routine treatments? So opt for a medico-aesthetic center that makes you feel good!


HydraFacial MD at Folsom

If you are looking for an effective HydraFacial MD treatment in Folsom, you can trust the expert hands and welcoming services of THE MD Aesthetics.

The staff of the MDA in Folsom is looking forward to welcoming you. Please call us if you have any questions about our aesthetic medicine services, and you can also ask your questions.


– Also, get 10% off the ZO skin-health range on the day of your treatment

How to Delay Skin Aging


We will be happy to answer all your questions or requests for information about our services & treatments.


How to delay skin aging?


The main signs of aging begin to be noticed on the skin, usually occurring between the ages of 25 and 30.


But why do we get old?

There are internal and external factors to explain this phenomenon, and we can intervene in some of them to delay that process.


Internal factors

They are typical of our body and generally difficult to alter or control.

* Age
* Genetic
* Diseases
* Autoimmune diseases/inflammation

External factors

They are related to our lifestyle, and we usually have alternatives to reduce their impact.

* Sun exposure
* Air pollution
* Smoking
* Poor nutrition
* Absence or bad habits in facial care
* Absence or bad habits in body care
* Weather
* Stress

Signs of aging

* Presence of wrinkles and fine lines
* Loss of firmness and elasticity
* Spots on the skin
* Dehydration and feeling of tightness
* Prone to eczema or skin infections
* Loss of volume
* Loss of light

Tips to delay aging

Aging occurs due to the combination of internal and external factors. Although internal factors, such as age and genetics, are almost impossible to modify, we can act on most external factors.

The MD Aesthetics at Folsom, CA, offers a series of non-surgical and very effective alternatives to prevent aging. Among them: Hydrafacial MD, use of neuromodulators and fillers, Aquagold micro-needling, Skin pen micro-needling, facial rejuvenation with laser, IV therapy, and skincare line products. Each treatment is adapted to each person to meet the requirements and needs of all.

However, the main preventive measures are those taken daily at home:

* Daily skin cleansing with the right products
* Use of moisturizers according to skin type
* Photoprotection
* Avoiding tobacco
* Healthy and balanced diet
* Healthy lifestyle
* Exercises
* Drinking water

At The MD Aesthetics, we hope this information will be helpful for our patients. It is a pleasure to advise you and offer you alternatives for the treatment of skin aging.

What is alopecia?


Alopecia is a generic term for hair or hair loss, regardless of the area and cause. In practice, it mainly refers to hair loss, resulting in abnormal hair loss that can evolve from scarcity to baldness. Discover the leading causes of alopecia and how to manage them to have healthier and denser hair.


What are the different types of alopecia?

The growth of the hair is done from the pilary bulb. According to different stages that define the pilary cycle: it grows (anagen phase), it involutes (catagen phase), then it falls and remains at rest for a while (telogen phase).

It is, therefore, normal to lose hair, on average, about fifty per day.

This hair loss becomes abnormal when it affects more than a hundred hairs/day over several weeks.


In about 90% of cases, it is androgenetic alopecia.

It is found in the vast majority of men after age 50, often with a much earlier appearance, from the age of 20, but it is also found in about 20% of women after menopause.

This baldness begins with the frontal and temporal lobes before reaching the top of the skull (tomb).

The last stage of baldness is hippocratic alopecia, where only the low crown is spared under the temples above the neck.


What are the solutions to prevent hair loss at The MD Aesthetics?

At MDA, We offer multiple options to stimulate hair growth and stop thinning hair for both men and women.

Now there are numerous options available that do not involve pills or hair transplantation. Pills can have side effects, and hair transplantation is costly and time-consuming. Now you have multiple options to stimulate hair growth and stop thinning hair in both men and women.

* Hydrafacial Keravive for scalp health
* Microneedling
* PRP is an injectable treatment into the scalp that utilizes the growth factors from the patient’s blood cells.
* Hair Restart laser treatment
* For even greater regenerative capacity, Exosomes can be used on the scalp in addition to PRP
* Medications/Take Home treatments
* One step ahead Hair restoration, Our Signature hybrid treatment for Hair Restoration


At MDA, we offer our signature ONE STEP AHEAD HAIR RESTORATION TREATMENT to decrease hair loss and rejuvenate hair follicles. Our synergistic approach can help your hair to grow thicker and restore what has been lost to give a more youthful appearance.


Want to know more about hair restoration?

Dense hair with volume, shiny, and full of health? For men, as for women, hair is one of our most beautiful seduction assets. Stress, pollution, hormonal imbalance, too-aggressive hair care…etc. Today, Our signature one-step-ahead Hair restoration Rx offers amazing possibilities to regain shiny hair with an ultra-natural look.

Come and consult Dr. Singh at MDA to learn more.